Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tweetdeck vs Hootsuite

There are quite a lot to say on this topic, and many have done so. Therefore, I’m not going to duplicate anything. I haven’t worked on these two social media dashboards as yet.  I had a look at them, downloaded Tweetdeck, but haven’t spend much time in really checking it out. So I’m going to summarize some of the articles I read.

At Sazbean.com, Sarah Worsham does a nice feature-by-feature breakdown of HootSuite and TweetDeck. I’ve added some more!


HootSuite feature advantages:
  • Ability to schedule tweets
  • Updates faster
  • Provides robust statistics
  • Allows for the incorporation of additional social networks
  • Allows more multiple accounts to be controlled by multiple users

What to expect:

  •  Physically have to type in username once for it to register
  •  Browser-based
  •  Interface bulky & cumbersome
  • The value of Hootsuite’s tabbed interface is more suitable to an internet marketing specialist who is managing multiple accounts that would need them to be separated for organizational purposes

TweetDeck feature advantages:
  • Photo tweeting
  • Twitter interface
  • User feature
What to expect:

  •  Auto-complete function when typing in a Twitter username. The user has to be one of you following.
  •  Interface – cleaner & appealing
  •  The value of Tweetdeck is that it presents everything to you in one window, rather than organising by individual purposes.
Neutral features:
  • User interface
  • URL shorteners
Well, just by reading this, I’m going to take some time now and check it out. My findings will definitely follow this post. Keep watching…



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